Abbey Jackson

Podcasts and Talks


“Modularize All The Things!”

Modularization? Service Layers? Dependency Graphs? Internal APIs? You’ve heard the buzzwords. You’ve heard a lot of really smart people talk and write about modular app development but what exactly is it? How do you do it? And why should you? Part demo, part talk, join us to learn how to take a feature development approach to your project by leveraging private frameworks. We will walk through a basic set up and talk about decisions you will have to make along the way.

August 13, 2019 - SwiftTO (link)
Sample Code -|- Slides -|- Video

Podcasts - As a Guest

iPhreaks: “Learning Objective-C as a Swift Developer”

Date: March 28, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Andrew Madsen (link), Erica Sadun (link), Jaim Zuber (link), Dave Delong (link)

In this episode of iPhreaks, the panel hosts Abbey Jackson, a senior software engineer at Mastercard fraud detection from Vancouver, Canada. Abbey was a part time nanny before she became a developer. Her journey as a developer started when she decided to attend an 8-week Swift boot camp. Within 3 years of the boot camp she started working at Mastercard as a senior developer. Although Abbey currently develops using Objective-C, she started developing in Swift. She talks about the different concepts she struggled with as a Swift developer, such as the difference between nil, NULL and NSNull in Objective–C. They talk about the tools and books available to developers who want to learn Objective–C. Abbey has used the Slack Objective–C channel extensively to ask for advice on coding practices.

EmpowerApps: “Modularizing in Xcode (and how Xcode works)”

Date: September 28, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Leo Dion (link)

In this episode we talk with Abbey Jackson about what Xcode projects are made up of, how to to improve testing and reliability with modularizing your iOS applications in Xcode, other benefits modularization can give, as well as some real use cases of when to modularize and when it probably isn’t a great idea.

Full topic list: Conferences let you “Nerd Out” and Step Away from Day to Day work, The Benefits of SwiftUI for Designers, Xcode Projects (Targets, Dependencies, Build Configurations…), How to Think About Modularization, Source Control for Big Projects, and the Benefits of Modularizing.

Roundabout - Creative Chaos: “Ep 141 - Abbey Jackson”

Date: October 12, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Tim Mitra (link), Tammy Coron (link)

I spoke with Tammy Coron and Tim Mitra on Roundabout Creative Chaos about my journey.

It is a really heartfelt dialog and I feel a bit nervous putting this all out there but maybe it can inspire someone else living with a disability or in the kind of poverty I was living in previously to take a chance!

We talk about how I became a programmer, the supports I have had that have led to my success, the pros and cons of bootcamp, the reason I didn’t complete my ATC training with NAV CANADA, fears of losing what I have built to my pain and spinal injury… and A LOT about my floathouse! 😂

Podcasts - As a Host

iPhreaks: “Ray Tracing with Petrie Michael”

Date: August 27, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Jaim Zuber (link), Abbey Jackson
Guest: Michael Petrie (link)

Joining the iPhreaks show is our new panelist Abbey Jackson, an iOS developer from Vancouver, Canada and our special guest Petrie Michael, an iOS developer from Australia currently working in Japan. Petrie has joined the podcast today to discuss his recent talk at TrySwift about Ray tracing.

iPhreaks: “Finding Quality Packages using SwiftPM Library with Dave Verwer”

Date: October 15, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Jaim Zuber (link), Gui Rambo (link), Andrew Madsen (link), Abbey Jackson
Guest: Dave Verwer (link)

In this episode of The iPhreaks Show the panel interviews Dave Verwer about his new SwiftPM Library. Dave is an iOS developer from the UK, he’s been working with iOS since the beginning. He is mostly known for his weekly email newsletter, iOS Dev Weekly, which is released every Friday afternoon.

iPhreaks: “100 Days of SwiftUI with Paul Hudson”

Date: October 29, 2019 - Audio & Show Notes
Panel: Jaim Zuber (link), Evan Stone (link), Abbey Jackson
Guest: Paul Hudson (link)

In this episode of The iPhreaks Show the panel interviews well-known author Paul Hudson. Paul is the creator and editor of Hacking with Swift. He does talks all around the world and writes books about swift. Paul went to the recent WWDC and even managed to write a book while at the conference.

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